Gates Historical Society approaches purchase deadline

The Gates Historical Society winners of the Hinchey Homestead framed print on display at Tops Market and Big M Market this past weekend are Sharon Hogan of Chili and Rosemary Lisuzzo of Gates. Their names were drawn from the raffle entries at the Society's membership meeting on Monday, October 16. Both Hogan and Lisuzzo were delighted with their winning one of the two framed prints of the Hinchey Homestead, donated by GHS Board member Mary Klock.

"This is the first time I have ever won anything," said Hogan. The raffle raised almost $200 for the Hinchey Homestead purchase fund.

The Gates Historical Society is approaching its November 30 deadline for acquiring the Hinchey Homestead as a community museum.

"If every home in Gates donated a one time gift of $20 to the Hinchey Homestead fund in the next six weeks, we would have a community museum in very short order," said Society President Susan Swanton at a recent civic group presentation. "With over 10,000 homes in Gates, this small one time donation would ensure we preserve the best of 19th century Gates for the 21st century and beyond."

New Historical Society brochures are being distributed throughout the town. Potential donors can call Vice President Regis Mooney at 328-3136, President Susan Swanton at 247-0142 or write Gates Historical Society c/o Gates Town Historian, 1605 Buffalo Road, Rochester, 14624.