Hamlin Lions Club sponsors poster contest

The Hamlin Lions Club is sponsoring this year's Peace Poster Contest for Lions Club International through the Hamlin Recreation Department. This year's theme is United in Peace. Hamlin area youth, ages 11-13 years as of January 10, 2001, are eligible to participate. Each participant will create a poster reflecting the theme.

Posters must be made during sessions being held at the Hamlin Town Hall. Sessions are scheduled for Saturdays, November 18 and November 25, from 1 to 3 p.m. Participants can attend one or both sessions in order to complete the poster. Poster paper, pencils, crayons, pens, markers, paints and chalk will be provided. Each participant may submit only one entry and each entry must be the original work of only one participant. This is a free program. Judging by the Hamlin Lions Club will take place by mid-December and all participants will be invited to a pizza party at the Town Hall to announce the winner. The winner receives a $50 savings bond and will advance to the district level. All participants will receive a participation award. All entries will be displayed in the Town Hall. General rules and regulations apply. A list of these is available in the Hamlin Recreation Office.

For information or to register, call the Hamlin Recreation Office at 964-7222.