Chili Senior Center programs offered

Flu Shots - flu shots scheduled at the Chili Senior Center have been canceled. For information regarding upcoming clinics call the Monroe County Health Department Flu Hotline at 274-6189.

Chili Senior Singers - an opportunity for senior citizens who enjoy singing every Monday morning from 10-11 a.m. The Senior Singers is directed by Helen Halligan from the Hochstein School of Music. No charge to join. Call the Chili Senior Center at 889-6185 for information.

Speaking of Pain - a free presentation on pain Wednesday, November 29 at 10:45 a.m. The presentation will be given by the Arthritis Foundation and will deal with understanding and tracking pain, talking to healthcare provider about pain and working to reduce pain. As part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to view a video, learn how to effectively describe pain to others, and will receive a pain card and informational handouts. To register, call 889-6185.

Smocked Christmas Ornament - a two-week craft class offered Wednesdays, November 22 and November 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. Learn how to do smocking on an easy Christmas ornament. All supplies provided. Sample on display in the Senior Center. Participants should bring reading glasses for close-up work (if needed). The cost is $20. Registration deadline is November 17. For information contact the Senior Center at 889-6185.

Tai Chi - classes on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Senior Center, 3235 Chili Avenue. Tai Chi is a form of martial arts that helps improve health and fitness, reduces stress, increases energy level and helps develop peace and inner calm. The fee is $20 per month. For information call 889-6185.

P.A.C.E. - an exercise program specifically designed for people with arthritis or limited range of motion. Most exercises are done sitting in a chair. P.A.C.E. is offered on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The cost is $12 for a six week pass or $6 for a six week pass for Preferred Care members. To register, stop by the Senior Center at 3235 Chili Avenue.