Hilton to hold vote on municipal utility November 14

Tuesday, November 14, residents of the Village of Hilton can vote on a proposal that could allow the village to establish municipal gas and electric utilities. If approved, residents could buy their gas and electric from the village, but would not be obligated to do so. Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation would continue to own and maintain all equipment. In addition, the formation and operation of the proposed utilities would not affect village property taxes. Administrators are hoping the move will save residents money on their utility bills by allowing the village to purchase natural gas and electricity at better prices.

Voting will take place from 12 noon to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street. Only registered voters who reside in the Village of Hilton may vote. Business owners may also participate in the utility program, but must be residents of Hilton in order to vote.