Annual Karate championships to be held

On Saturday, November 18, Kyokushin Karate Fitness USA will host the 10th Annual American Karate Championships at 7 p.m., at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. The event is sanctioned by the International Federation of Karate and features some of the finest bare-knuckled full-contact fighters from Canada, Europe and the United States. Full-contact "knockdown" matches are conducted in the traditional Japanese bare-knuckle, barefeet fighting style with no protective pads or gloves. The action is non-stop and displays the true art of Kyokushin Karate enjoyed by fans around the world. The event is opened to all ranks and styles of karate.

This year's event will feature Rochester's own Sempai Rene Cruz of Kyokushin, the 2000 summer champion of the Men's Heavy Weight Division at the Triple Cities International Knockdown. Also featured will be Scott Haug of Hamlin's Isshin-Ryu, champion of the Men's Middle Weight Division and Sylvain Capita of Rochester Kyokushin, champion of the Men's Senior Heavy Weight Division at the 1999 American International Karate Championships.

Also offered will be traditional karate events including semi-contact and "clicker" (point) fighting as well as weapon and empty hand kata. Men, women, and children karateka are welcome to participate.

For more information, contact Shihan Michael Monaco, Chairman USA-IFK at 663-7680 or visit