New golf team in Hilton

The snow started falling in western New York last week and the temperature doesn't have one thinking about warm weather sports, but a Hilton resident is thinking about golf. Joe Rizzo is attempting to start a golf team for Hilton's Merton Williams Middle School students. "We tried last year, but we had no luck finding a golf course, a teacher or enough students to play; but we think it was due to a lack of publicity."

With the Tiger Woods phenomenon spreading throughout the country, more and more young people are taking up the game of golf. And with the Rochester Sports Dome open, players of all ages have a way to practice year-round no matter the weather. Hilton has a varsity team, but nothing below that level and, according to Rizzo, "it is somewhat terrifying for a Middle School student to try out and compete with junior and seniors." Hilton-Parma Recreation has a one-week session in summer, but after that week, the students are on their own.

It is Rizzo's hope to begin a team in the spring of 2001. If you run a golf course, are a teacher willing to help coordinate or a student at Merton Williams Middle School interested in playing, contact Rizzo at 392-8671. "My son has been playing and taking lessons for over a year and, if anything, I hope that he will enjoy the game more and help make him a more well-rounded person."