Teacher John Szulgit helps Enrico Iraci (right) and Kyle Pernes wrap their gifts
Spencerport students
send boxes of supplies
to those in need

Eight second- and fourth-grade classes at Taylor Elementary School are sending 30 shoe boxes filled with supplies to Hillside Children's Center Special Santas Program. "The purpose is to offer others who are in need, a small ray of hope and support in their day to day struggles," says Taylor school psychologist Toni Van Sprewenberg, who organized the project. Classes filled as many boxes as they could with school supplies, hygiene supplies and small toys.

John Szulgit's second grade class put in extra effort. The students wrote to businesses asking for donations. Wegmans from Ridgemont Plaza responded and donated $100 of supplies for their boxes. This classroom was able to fill 13 boxes. Stephen Savino, Christopher Rice, Joanne Katz, Lisa Tallman, Heather Shaw, Mary Montenaro, Christine Demitrovic, and John Szulgit worked on the project.