Don't forget the Brockport-Sweden Toy Shelf

On December 16 and 17, several hundred area parents will be able to pick out a new toy or two for each of their children at the Brockport-Sweden Toy Shelf. The mission of the toy shelf is to ensure that all local children be remembered with a gift for Christmas when their parents, for whatever reason, are unable to provide gifts. By inviting the parents to do the "shopping" themselves, a good match between child and toy can be made.

Before then, the toy shelf needs donations, of toys for both genders and for all ages of children, of gift wrap, tape and bows, and of stocking stuffers. Collection boxes are located at the Sweden Senior Center, Wegmans, Ryan's Big M, Ames Wish Tree, Chase Manhattan, HSBC, First Niagara Bank, Northside Mobil, Hess Express, Village Hair Designers, Hair Zoo, Rich's Auto Sales, Dr. Tod Twichell, Gregry's Bakery, Byron-Bergen Library and the Millhouse Restaurant.

Lift Bridge Kids also sponsors a Gift Angel program in which patrons donate a dollar and the collected funds are used to purchase books for the toy shelf. Lift Bridge's goal is to provide a book for every child.

For the past several years, the Brockport-Sweden Toy Shelf has helped provide a better Christmas for 400-500 children each season. Monetary donations are also welcome. For information about donations or volunteer opportunities, call the Sweden Senior Center at 637-4970.