Clarkson to look at town hall improvements

The Town of Clarkson has earmarked funds in its 2001 budget to take a look at making some improvements to the town hall. The town board has slated $5,000 for a study to determine if record storage space and restrooms can be improved.

Currently, many records and the building's two restrooms are located in the basement of the building. That location raises issues of handicapped accessibility and convenience for the town employees.

Councilman Allan Hoy said the town board will hold a workshop meeting in the near future to come up with a "limited wish list." Then the town will consult with some architects to determine if the improvements could be made within the present building or if a small addition would be necessary.

A similar study was conducted in 1989, Hoy said, with an architect preparing preliminary plans for an addition, but no action was ever taken.

The town hall is located on Route 19 in the heart of the town's historic overlay district. That means that any exterior modifications to the building would be subject to approval by the town's architectural review board. Another issue to be considered in planning an addition would be the limited parking space available on the site.

Hoy said he believes that Clarkson residents are proud of their historic town hall building and would like the government offices to remain there. "We're just looking at trying to make it a little better," he said.