C-C students learn
lessons of the past during Old-Fashion Day

Some second-grade students at Churchville Elementary School learned lessons of the past during old-fashion day - a day when they and their teachers dressed and acted as if they were living and learning in times of yore.

Second-grade teachers Bernadette Argana and Charlotte Rahn set the tone for the day, dressing as 18th century teachers would dress. Argana added a powder gray wig to her attire, which caught the attention of student Steven Crowell, who wore a dunce cap for part of the day. "I've never seen Mrs. Argana with a wig that way." Another student, Alexandra Timberlake, had to wear an "idle girl" sign. She said her teacher was a little more strict than usual. "Sometimes when she thinks you do something wrong, but it's not really wrong, you get in trouble."

Although students used the indoor restrooms, they had to go outside and around the school, re-entering at another entrance. Students had to go in pairs for safety. "Be careful for the wolves," the teachers warned.

Argana says the special day helps teach important lessons. One of the performance tasks for the social studies curriculum is to compare schools of the past with schools of today. "What better way to compare them than by living through both of them," she said. The students made dioramas of schools of the past using a tool of today, computers. They also wrote stories comparing and contrasting schools, which complies with the state reading standards.