Chili Senior Center programs
Chili Senior Center programs

•Mall Walking - at Marketplace Mall every Tuesday morning during the winter months. Transportation provided from the Senior Center. The bus leaves the center at 8:30 a.m. and returns approximately 11 a.m. Participants will have 1 1/2 hours to walk at their own pace and visit with others. $1 per week. Call the center at 889-6185.

•Planetarium - a trip to the Planetarium and Old Country Buffet on Friday, January 26 from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Late lunch at Old Country Buffet in Henrietta and then its on to the 4 p.m. matinee show "Dolphins" at the Strasenburgh Planetarium on East Avenue. $10. Call the center at 889-6185.

•Tuesday Talks - beginning January 16 at 11 a.m. A guest speaker will be featured each week. Coffee provided. No charge to participate. For a complete list of upcoming speakers call the center at 889-6185. January 16 - Brett Ewald, Birds of Western NY (slide show); January 23 - Honorable Patrick J. Pietropaoli, Chili Town Justice.

•Rochester Amerks Hockey - at the Blue Cross Arena on Wednesday, February 7. Bus leaves the Chili Senior Center back parking lot at 6:45 p.m. (game time is 7:35 p.m.). The cost is $3. Space is limited to 25. If interested, call the center at 889-6185.

•Tai Chi - classes every Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Improve your health and fitness, reduce stress, increase your energy level and develop peace and inner calm. Class taught by staff from Northeastern Martial Arts. The cost is $20 per month. To register, call the center at 889-6185 or stop by 3235 Chili Avenue.

•Senior Singers - an opportunity for singing on Monday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. The Senior Singing Group is directed by Helen Halligan from the Hochstein School of Music. All singing enthusiasts are welcome. The center is located at 3235 Chili Avenue.

•Pace Exercise Class - Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The class offers easy exercises for men and women with arthritis or limited range of motion. Most exercises are done sitting in a chair. The class is instructed by Ann May of the Arthritis Foundation. The cost is $12 for six week pass (or $6 with preferred care). For information, contact the center at 889-6185.

•Intro to Computers - instruction for seniors ages 55+ on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Session 1 will be held on February 6, 13 and 27 (not 2/20) and Session 2 will be held on March 13, 20, and 27. Class will explain many of the basic computer terms. Participants will have hands-on experience with a computer and will learn how to use a mouse and work with windows. No computer experience required. Must attend all three classes. $20 for Town of Chili residents or $35 for non-residents. Instructed by Computeach. Minimum class size 6; Maximum 8. To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue.

•Line Dancing Class - Thursdays, January 25 - March 29 (no class on 2/8 and 2/15) from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Line dancing is a simple combination of steps taught step by step, and done to a wonderful variety of music. No partner is necessary. The cost is $10 for 8 weeks ($12 for non-residents). To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue or call 889-6185.

•Beginning Oil Painting - Mondays, February 26 - April 2 (6 weeks) from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. $25 plus supplies. Supplies run approximately $13 and may be purchased at first class. Participants must provide a smock or old shirt, small towel, small glass jar for turpentine and a photo (or photo quality picture) of the item or scene they wish to paint. The class is instructed by Darlene Zoricak. To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue or call 889-6185.

•Valentine's Day Party with Andy Nahas - Thursday, February 15. The party begins with the Lunch Club 60 program at noon followed by entertainment by Rochester's own crooner Andy Nahas at 1 p.m. $4 per person - payment required in advance. Deadline: February 2. To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue or call 889-6185.

•What is the Internet? - offered in conjunction with the Chili Public Library. Class will be taught at the Chili Public Library (choose one) Thursday, January 18; Tuesday, January 30; Thursday, February 8, or Thursday, March 8. Class begins at 9:15 a.m. and runs approximately 30-40 minutes. No charge. Class size is limited and registration is required. Call 889-6185.

•AARP Defensive Driving Course - a course for adults age 50 and older on Fridays, January 12 and January 19 (Session 1), March 9 and March 16 (Session 2), April 20 and April 27 (Session 3) and May 11 and May 18 (Session 4) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chili Senior Center, 3235 Chili Avenue. After completion of the two-day course (one session), participants will receive a 10 percent reduction in liability and collision insurance. The certification is good for three years. The course is instructed by a certified AARP volunteer instructor. The fee is $10. To register, call 889-6185.