Riga/Churchville seniors to celebrate 25th anniversary in February
Riga/Churchville seniors to celebrate
25th anniversary in February

The Senior Citizens of Riga/Churchville will be celebrating their 25th anniversary on February 13 at Gatherings at the Senator's Mansion, at noon. Reservations mandatory. To attend mail a check to Millie Huey, 3302 Union Street, North Chili, NY 14514. Members: $7, non-members: $14. Indicate choice of chicken, fish or pork.

The meeting in March will be a surprise. Members will be contacted. There will be a nominal fee.

Any senior citizen of Riga (55 years of age or older) is welcome to join SCOR, Senior Citizens of Riga, by calling Ivy at 293-2460 or Millie at 594-8291.

Residents are reminded that nutrition meals are served Mondays and Thursdays at noon at the Harvey C. Noone Post #954. Reservations are a must and can be made one week in advance by calling Norma at 293-3658. If transportation is needed, call Riga Town Hall at 293-3880.