Parents and students invited to Youth Apprenticeship info night, Feb. 28
Parents and students invited to
Youth Apprenticeship info night, Feb. 28

High school sophomores who would like to "earn while they learn" in the WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center Youth Apprenticeship program will get an introduction to the program in February.

On Wednesday, February 28, the popular program will host an information night for high school sophomores from BOCES 2 component districts and their parents. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the James Green, Jr. Conference Room at the BOCES 2 Educational Services Center, 3599 Big Ridge Road.

The two-year countywide Youth Apprenticeship program is sponsored by the Rochester Business Education Alliance (RBEA). Students who participate in the program earn up to seven high school credits and agree to work 1200 hours in a skilled trade, manufacturing, financial or culinary arts setting. They also get paid for their apprenticeships. Participating companies include Kodak, ASMAT, Wegmans, HSBC Bank, Rogers Associates, and Sydor Optics.
Students must complete an application packet to be considered for this program. For an application packet or information about the program, contact Jack Dennis at 352-2459.