Brockport soccer team earns Sportsmanship Award
Brockport soccer team earns Sportsmanship Award

The Brockport A.D. Oliver Middle School seventh-grade soccer team received the Monroe County Sportsmanship Award for the Fall 2000 season. The team was nominated for this award by opposing teams across Monroe County who felt the Brockport team showed the best sportsmanship.

The coach of the team is Tom Roote. Team members include Christopher Appleby, Samuel Avery, Joshua Boston, Jonathan Ciotti, Jon D'Ambra, David Dolby, Brian Eigbrett, Charles Feathers, Devin Fogg, Andrew Gilfilian, Justin James, Nathan Kaplin, Nicholas Lang, William Massinger, Robert McGowan, Eric McJury, James Meyers, Thomas Nash, Bruce Porter, Seth Robishaw, David Schreiner, Lucas Spence and Justin Worboys.