Local volunteers attend Fresh Air Fund conference
Local volunteers attend Fresh Air Fund conference

Nearly 300 local Fresh Air Fund volunteers, including Karen Woodard, Northwestern New York Fund Representative, Mary Neusatz, Hilton Chairperson and Mark Rennard, Batavia Chairperson, gathered recently in New York City for The Fund's annual Friendly Town conference. Each summer, nearly 6,000 disadvantaged children, ages six to 18, enjoy free two-week vacations with volunteer host families in suburban and small-town communities. Local Fresh Air Fund volunteers recruit and interview host families, check references and coordinate Friendly Town program activities across 13 northeastern states from Maine to Virginia and in Ontario, Canada.

Friendly Town Conference 2001 was held from January 26 through January 28 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Manhattan. The weekend's events included a keynote address by Margaret Hill, Principal at Mother Hale Academy, a Fund community registration agency in the Bronx, workshops on managing the Friendly Town Program, and a visit to Harlem's Center for Community Enrichment. Volunteers were also treated to a performance by the New York City Housing Authority Children's Choir.

Since 1877, The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million disadvantaged New York City children. Local volunteers are currently recruiting host families for the upcoming summer season. Families interested in hosting may contact Karen Woodward at 889-9173, or The Fresh Air Fund at 1-800-367-0003.