Sweden reassessment complaints surprisingly few
Sweden reassessment complaints surprisingly few

Most Sweden property owners received their new assessments a little over a week ago. The staff of Cole, Layer and Trumble, the firm hired by the town to conduct the first reassessment in 30 years, braced themselves last week for an onslaught of complaints. To their surprise, the number of property owners disputing their new assessments has been low.

"It’s been much less than expected," said Cole, Layer, Trumble manager Tony Eaffaldano. "The people who have come in for a review have come in with good information."

The general rule of thumb in a reassessment is that a third of properties receive a higher assessment, a third stay the same, and a third receive a reduction. That makes a third of the population automatically unhappy, and some of the other two-thirds unhappy their assessment didn’t go down at all or not enough.

"The initial response has been positive," said Sweden Assessor Alan Bader. "Most people I’ve talked to have been pleased with their new assessment or relieved."

Cole, Layer and Trumble will be holding informal reviews with property owners through March 20. Bader must file the tentative roll by May 1. For those property owners not satisfied with the informal review, the next step is an appeal to the Board of Assessment Review on May 22. The final course of action for unsettled disputes is small claims court.

Cole, Layer and Trumble staff will remain in their Sweden offices until training of the town’s staff on the new assessment computer system is complete. Then they’ll be off to Perinton for a reassessment of that community.

Questions about new assessments can be directed to Cole, Layer and Trumble at 637-1000.