Hilton Parent University accepts walk-in registration
Hilton Parent University accepts walk-in registration

Parent University, a conference for parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers and community members, will be held Saturday, March 24, at Hilton High School, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. Over 50 different seminars, workshops and vendors will be on hand as well as a keynote address, lunch and entertainment.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. with the program starting at 8:30 a.m. Walk-in registrations are welcome, according to Hilton parent Leslie Vermeulen, chair of the conference. "We do have space available in workshops and seminars. I would encourage parents and teachers to take advantage of this unique opportunity to focus on children's growth and development and how we can do better for our kids. Childcare is being provided at the conference." Registration is $4 per person/$7 per family (includes childcare). Lunch is extra at $2.50 for adults and $3 for children in childcare.

Among the workshops being offered is a two-hour seminar being presented by Hilton School Social Worker Kevin Dailor entitled "Emotions: Friend or Foe?" which will focus on supporting your family's emotional life. Other seminars on the program include: Dr. Dennis Boike's "How To Talk to Your Children About Sex," and Jim Feely's "Whose House is This Anyway?" and "What to do about Bullying?" presented by Laura Whitcomb.