Upcoming Hilton Board of Education meetings focus on budget proposal, scope of capital project
Upcoming Hilton Board of Education meetings
focus on budget proposal, scope of capital project

At their regular Tuesday meeting, March 27, the Hilton Board of Education will get its first glimpse of the scope of a possible capital project to be presented to voters in December. And, at a special meeting on Monday, March 26, the board will hear the first detailed presentation concerning the 2001-02 Budget Proposal.

All presentations are open to the public. The Scope of the Capital Project is the result of a year's work by the board's Long-Range Planning Committee, a 40-member team representing teachers, administrators, staff, parents, community members, architectural and construction consultants. The committee, chaired by Assistant Superintendent of Business Steven Ayers, is taking a thorough look at Hilton School District's educational program and technology needs; facilities and site considerations; and implications of instituting full-day kindergarten and/or a pre-kindergarten program sometime in the future.

Universal Pre-kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten met with qualified support from the board. At its February 13 meeting, the board voted to institute a full-day kindergarten program in the district's three elementary schools providing the classroom space, seven classrooms, be available. Members also voted to institute a pilot pre-kindergarten program at all three schools pending state aid support.