Brockport school district takes "hit list" seriously
Brockport school district takes "hit list" seriously

Three Brockport sixth graders were suspended for this past week for compiling a "hit list" of seven fellow students. The note, which did not contain specific threats, according to Middle School Principal Ann Sweeting, was turned in to a bus driver Thursday morning, March 15. Sweeting called the Brockport Police Department as soon as she was notified.

The three students, two girls and a boy, spent the day meeting with the police officers, school administrators and counselors to determine their intentions. The students' parents were also called into school. According to Sweeting, the police officers and school staff were able to determine that the students had not planned any harmful actions. No weapons were found at the school and the parents said no weapons were available to the students in their homes.

The seven students whose names were on the list, and their parents, were also notified and counseled about the situation.

In a letter mailed to all Middle School parents and guardians the next day, Sweeting outlined several points, asking that parents reinforce the concepts at home. Among the points were: it is never acceptable to target, harass, threaten or harm other people; non-violent means of solving problems like Peer Mediation and the assistance of school staff should be utilized; students should come forward with information about potentially dangerous feelings or actions.