Spencerport High School graduating one of the largest classes ever
Spencerport High School
graduating one of the largest classes ever

Spencerport High School's 2001 graduating class is the largest in many years, with more than 300 students expected to graduate on June 22. Last year, 280 students participated in the graduation ceremony. Because of the large number of graduates, the high school must limit the number of tickets provided for family and guests.

At rehearsal on June 22, 2001, each student will receive five tickets for general seating. There will be no reserved section this year since the graduates will be sitting in that section. (In the past, with fewer graduates, the students have been able to sit on the stage.) Any family who needs more tickets will be allowed to request just three additional tickets. No more tickets will be available. "We ask families to please plan accordingly as they select the guests to attend this special ceremony," says Assistant Principal Laurie Boughter. "We apologize if this causes any problems for you, but is necessary due to the size of this class.

Anyone with questions about tickets for this year's graduation ceremony, can contact Laurie Boughter at 349-5211.