Chili Senior Center programs slated
Chili Senior Center programs slated

The Chili Senior Center will be offering a trip to Cooperstown, NY on Wednesday, May 16. The trip will include transportation via a deluxe motorcoach, admission to the Baseball Hall of Fame, admission to the Farmers' Museum and a lunch buffet at Otesaga Hotel. The cost is $40 per Chili resident. Registration begins April 2. Non-residents may register, space permitting, beginning April 30 for $56. For information, call the center at 889-6185.

The Chili Senior Center also offers mall walking at Marketplace Mall every Tuesday morning during the winter months. Transportation will be provided to the mall from the Senior Center. The bus leaves the center at 8:30 a.m. and returns approximately 11 a.m. There is no fee for this program. Participants will have 1 1/2 hours to walk at their own pace and visit with others. The cost is $1 per week.

Educational and interesting presentations are offered each Tuesday beginning at 11 a.m. A guest speaker will be featured each week. Coffee provided. There is no charge to participate. Nyela Basney, conductor of the Roberts Wesleyan College Community Orchestra, will speak April 3.

The Chili Senior Center is offering a bus trip to the George Eastman House on Wednesday, April 11. Bus leaves the Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. and returns at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $6 per person. Space is limited to 45.

For information call 889-6185.