Hilton-Parma seniors set trip schedule
Hilton-Parma seniors set trip schedule

Each year, several one-day trips to places of interest are offered to senior citizens age 55 and up. These trips are subsidized by the Town of Parma, therefore only Town of Parma residents are eligible for a reduced rate. However, unsubsidized trips are open to everyone.

The 2001 schedule follows. Call 392-9030 for detailed trip descriptions and information on registration procedures and costs.

Fri., April 20 - Niagara Casino (Unsubsidized trip), openings remain.
•Wed., June 13 - Forever Plaid, or Wed., Aug. 22 - Cabaret, register Thurs., May 10.
•Fri., July 6 - Ain't Misbehavin', register Thurs., June 7.
•Wed., July 18 - Ft. Erie Race Track, register Thurs., June 14.
•Fri., Sept. 14 or Wed., Sept. 26 - Simpler Times Amish Tour, register Thurs., August 16.
•Wed., Oct. 24 - Mystery Trip, register Thurs., Sept. 17.
•Wed., Nov. 14 - Al Martino in Buffalo, register Thurs., October 11.
•Fri., Dec. 7 - Living, Singing Christmas Tree, register Thurs., Nov. 1.