Hilton High School students win Gutenberg Awards
Hilton High School students win Gutenberg Awards
for graphic arts and printing skills

Over 35 Hilton High School graphic arts students placed in this year's Gutenberg Awards for their proficiency in graphic arts and printing. The students are in teachers Ron Hindmarch and Tait Loe's classes: Bryan Schalge; Phuong La; Trieu La; Michelle Croce; Tom Maslyn; Becki Bedford; Kelly Costa; Becky Murray; Chrissy Benway; Brian Frawley; Mark Gately; John Quester; Gabriella D'Angelo; Ryan Pellman; Craig Lemcke; Frank Remillard; Stacy Kesselring; Casie Leonard; Ryan Mee; Jeff Coltoniak; John Dodge; Jeremy Wright; Jennie George; Joe Chinappi; Jason Knope; Brian Plunkett; Ryan Church; Kevin Comstock; Jordan Bouvier; Jamie Rizzo; Robin Moore; Ryan Lalone; Terry Gilmore; Dan Dool; John Smalley; Joe Williams; Dan Doptis.

The awards are competitive and students' work is honored as placing among the most proficient in the country.