Hamlin Lions Club dedicates medical loan closet
Hamlin Lions Club
dedicates medical loan closet

The Hamlin Lions Club would like to invite the community to the opening and dedication of its new Medical Loan Closet facility. After more than a year of planning, fund raising and construction, it is finally completed.

The motto of International Lions Clubs is We Serve. The Hamlin Lions Club has provided medical equipment to hundreds of people from the community throughout the years. From just a few crutches and a wheelchair is someone's garage to a vast inventory of medical equipment, the service has grown.

Through the generosity of the whole community, this facility has become a reality. Come out and help celebrate the grand opening on Sunday, May 20 from noon to 3 p.m. The dedication will take place at 3 p.m.

The closet is located at 1384 Lake Road in Hamlin by the Hamlin Fireman's Exempts. The Exempts Chicken Bar-B-Q is being held the same day.