WE-MO-CO cosmetology student places in NYS competition
WE-MO-CO cosmetology student
places in NYS competition

Hillary DeMayo, a cosmetology student in Laurie Salladin's class at the WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center, took third place in the New York State Cosmetology Association Student Competition in Verona, NY on April 30.

The Gates Chili High School student was among 60 other competitors from across New York state. Students created an evening style on models and were judged by stylists and educators from the NYS Cosmetology Association.

Other cosmetology student competitors were Peta-Gae Andrade (Gates Chili), Megan Cottorone (Hilton), Carrie Fantauzzo (Gates Chili), Sue Scipione (Holley), Shamiekia Brumfield (Greece Athena), Leilani Dickinson (Brockport), Robyn Hill (Spencerport), Chara Lynn Marks (Brockport), Meghan McClinic (Brockport) and Shawnee Miller (Brockport).