Baseball opens in Brockport
Baseball opens in Brockport

Community hosts inaugural Little League season

When umpires shout "play ball" in Brockport next week, there will be a difference that few players or parents will notice. For the first time, Brockport Junior Baseball League’s programs for boys and girls under the age of 12 will be part of the official Little League program.

Becoming Monroe County’s 13th Little League program won’t bring many changes to the regular season, according to league president Mark Jaccarino. "Rule changes are pretty minimal," Jaccarino said. There is still free substitution where no child sits for more than an inning or two per game. Pitching rules are a little different, mostly to protect young children’s arms, he said.

The difference comes in post-season play – in tournaments and a second season. Brockport teams will be able to participate in the Road to Williamsport tournament, the softball teams also have a tournament opportunity. A second season will follow. Brockport will field as many teams as they have kids interested, and play against teams from other communities.

Brockport’s Pony League, for players 13 and older, is still independent of Little League. With fewer players at that level, Brockport teams will continue to play various teams from Monroe, Orleans and Genesee counties.

Opening Day for the baseball season will be held May 19 at the Redman Road fields. With little rain this year, and a lot of work by the Town of Sweden, the fields are in the best condition ever, Jaccarino said. Opening Day will feature the traditional raffle, food and snacks. This year, if it’s a rainy day, pictures will be taken in the Oliver Middle School lower gym.

Over 600 Brockport area youth participate in the baseball and softball programs. "We appreciate all the support we get from our local sponsors," Jaccarino said.