Communication museum opens for the season
Communication museum opens for the season

The Antique Wireless Association's Electronic Communication Museum opened for the 2001 season on Sunday, May 6. The electronic communication theme covers techniques from the telegraph and Morse code era through modern communications, with an emphasis on early radio, and has been in operation since 1976.

This year's new exhibits include a Made in Rochester display where communications items from 1923 to current models, all locally manufactured, are featured. Also new is an operating radioteletype display, or e-mail 1940s style. Other exhibits include a history-making Marconi wireless apparatus such as used on the Titanic, a 1925 radio store, a three-inch screen television and much more. Local radio historians staff the museum.

The AWA Museum is located on South Avenue in Bloomfield, southeast of Rochester, just off Routes 5 and 20 near the village green, at the site of the East Bloomfield Historical Society. The museum is open Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m., May through October and Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m., June through August (closed holiday weekends). For group tour information call the museum curator, Edward Gable, at 392-3088 or e-mail