Kendall church has new pastor
Kendall church has new pastor

Stephen Brisson, a native of New England, and a recent graduate of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, was the preacher/presider at the June 2 and 3 services at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kendall. Brisson had been recommended by Bishop Lee Miller of the Upstate New York Synod, ELCA, as a candidate to become pastor of Concordia. The congregation's call committee recommended Brisson unanimously, and the church council accepted that recommendation by inviting him to visit the parish. The parish had been without a regular pastor since last August. The Rev. Paul E. Klett, retired pastor from Webster, served as vacancy pastor during the interim.

Brisson and his wife, Sarah, spent the weekend at Concordia; in addition to leading worship, Brisson met with the church council and other leaders of the congregation. Following the Sunday morning worship, the congregation held a special meeting for the purpose of extending a call to Brisson to become Concordia's pastor.