Chili Lions install officers
Chili Lions install officers

At their last meeting for 2000-2001, on June 11, members of the Lions Club of Chili held their installation of officers for next year, conducted by Past Council Chairman Lion Ray Ernenwein.

The following Lions were installed as new officers: President Charles Prevost; Vice Presidents, Tom Platt, Millie Thurley and Colleen Dachille; Secretary, Florence Goodwin; Treasurer, Peggy Pepper; Directors, Donna Jones, Lucy Connell, Jean Jones and Edmund Fredette; Lion Tamer, Opal Embling; Tail Twister, Charles LaRocca; Membership Committee Chairman, Geri Palella, and Immediate Past President, Lion Terry Kreuzer.

President Lion Terry recognized with special gifts several Lions who had performed special services during his term: Secretary Florence, Treasurer Peggy, Past President Bonnie Platt, and Immediate Past President Enrique. PCC Lion John Rabideau made a special presentation on behalf of District Governor of Southern California-Nevada Lions, Diana VanTrees, to her parents, Lions Anita and Dominick Fantauzzo - a life membership in the Southern California Lions Eye Institute, with a plaque, pins and additional emblem for the Chili Lions banner.