Caregiver assistance soon to be available
Caregiver assistance soon to be available

Orleans County Office for the Aging offers a new Caregiver Assistance Program.

When the Older American's Act was re-authorized a few months ago, it included a new section entitled "Family Caregiver Assistance Act." This new legislation recognizes that a very high percentage of the caregiving being done in this country is performed by informal, non-paid family and friends of the care receiver. The federal government also recognized that these people are getting burned out, tired, and frustrated because their burden is heavy and they don't know where to go for help.

The Family Caregiver Assistance Act allows even a small county like Orleans enough money to hire a person to be specifically available to caregivers. The Caregiver Coordinator will answer calls on caregiving issues, provide one-on-one counseling, help caregivers discover the care options that are available to them, and facilitate caregiver training sessions and support groups. This person will also do public presentations and discuss with employers how they can be of assistance to their employees who are being stretched to the limit by their work and caregiving responsibilities.

The Caregiver Coordinator (Civil Service Title: Aging Services Specialist) position has not been filled at this time. Anyone interested can contact the Orleans County Personnel Office for an application. Call 589-3191 for information.