Brockport High School receives RIT certification
Brockport High School receives RIT certification

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) has recognized Brockport High School by certifying its Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Pre-Engineering Technology Program. RIT Professor Guy Johnson, director of RIT's and PLTW's National Training Center, said that Brockport High School has demonstrated its commitment to the quality standards of the PLTW program by having its pre-engineering teachers trained during the summer at RIT and by teaching the specific courses using the latest computer software.

Brockport introduced the pre-engineering, five-course sequence three years ago and has over 125 students in the program. Freshmen take the Design and Drawing for Production class. Digital Electronics is given to sophomores. Then two courses, Principles of Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing are taken in the junior year. The final course, offered to seniors, is Engineering Design and Development. Students taking the junior and senior level course are eligible to become a part of the Brockport Robotics Team, which won first place this year in a regional competition with other high schools.

Through certification, the district is also providing students with the opportunity to apply for RIT transcripted college credit, if they demonstrate exemplary work in their pre-engineering courses and on the RIT final examination administered in May. RIT will award college credit to qualified students and recognize the course work as though it had been taken at RIT. The college is in discussion with other leading colleges and universities in the state and around the country to accept these credits.