Waterfowl ID classes offered for hunters
Waterfowl ID classes offered for hunters

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Alabama and Shelby, hosts two waterfowl identification classes at the refuge headquarters building at 1101 Casey Road, Alabama. Classes will be on Monday, August 27 and Wednesday, August 29 and will run from 7 until approximately 10 or 11 p.m. There is no charge, but attendance will be limited to 65 people per class and registration is required.

This state-sanctioned course will be taught by instructors from the Finger Lakes and Western New York Waterfowl Association. In addition to waterfowl identification, the course will also cover ballistics, hunter ethics and state and federal waterfowl hunting laws. Participants must pass a written exam to receive a Waterfowl Identification Certificate which is required before hunting waterfowl on Federal and some State lands.

To register call (716) 948-5445, Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Any available seats will be filled first come - first served on the night of each class.