How you can help BISCO
How you can help BISCO

Brockport Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions Clubs originally formed BISCO to jointly take on community services projects that no one club could handle alone. The consortium has succeeded, investing more than $100,000 into playground equipment, programs for youth and other various community projects.

One of the best ways you can support BISCO's efforts is to support the Arts Festival. BISCO's main moneymakers at the festival are the Duck Derby and its food booths, where volunteers serve up hots, Italian sausage and beverages.

Even better, consider giving some of your time to BISCO. You don't have to be a member of a service organization to belong to BISCO (although to be on the executive board you do have to belong to a service group).

"We're always looking for fresh ideas and new blood," said President George Dahl.

There's a whole range of activities from which volunteers can choose - from marketing and publicity to putting together playground equipment to working in a food booth. You can be an occasional volunteer or a regular.

"The volunteerism in this community is well-noted," Dahl said. "It makes everyone feel good to live in a community that has such an open heart."

To volunteer call Dahl at 637-9184 or president-elect Michael Murphy at 738-8293.