Scoutings highest honor presented to North Chili youth
Scoutings highest honor presented to North Chili youth

On May 21, Boy Scout Troop 53 held an Eagle Court of Honor for Greg Gallinger. Greg's parents and family have supported Greg in scouting since 1991, when he joined Cub Scout Pack 292. He achieved the rank of Tenderfoot in 1995 with troop 53 and began the trail to Eagle. He held various positions of leadership in the Troop including librarian, scribe, assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and, most recently, assistant senior patrol leader.

Greg Gallinger has been involved with numerous activities along with scouting. As a gymnast, he competed in the Western NY men's gymnastics and won first, second, fourth, and sixth place ribbons. He and his team competed at the 1996 NY State gymnastics competition held in Albany.

Gallinger has exemplified the ideal of Scouting by continuing his service to others which has benefited his school and his community by volunteering in the junior high and senior high school libraries and helping to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. He earned the "Outstanding Student in Health Education" award for the 1999-2000 school year.

His Eagle Project consisted of organizing a group of people to help create an outdoor classroom in the woods behind the Churchville-Chili Middle School. The scope of his project involved cleaning the area of debris, digging holes for the posts, sinking and cementing the posts for the benches, building the benches and mulching the area. While working on his project, Greg and his crew of Scouts also helped another Scout and his group with their project by transporting two very large poles into another section of the same woods. The outdoor classroom was created for Mr. Biedlingmaier and the high school science department and will provide high school science classes with an outdoor experimental learning area, and which the general public could also use.

He has had a passion for music, theater and film and has had roles in school productions of "Cinderella Meets the Wolfman," "Annie," "How to Succeed in Business," as well as "Oklahoma" and "Hello Dolly" in the 1999 and 2000 summer drama program at Roberts Wesleyan College. He has toured Italy with the Churchville-Chili Senior High Concert Choir, performing in five cities and their churches during the summer of 2000.

He plans to continue to pursuit of the arts with a career in film studies with the goal of writing and directing.