Chili Senior Center programs
Chili Senior Center programs

Call 889-6185 for information on these Chili Senior Center programs. The Center is located at 3235 Chili Avenue.

Monroe County Carousels - a slide presentation on carousels past and present on Thursday, August 9 at 12:30 p.m. Free.

Tour of Mt. Hope Cemetery - a two-hour guided walking tour of Rochester's historic Mt. Hope Cemetery on Wednesday, September 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Participants should wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes as the terrain is hilly and uneven. The cost is $6.

Seabreeze Park and Lunch - Monday, August 27. Bus leaves the parking lot at 11 a.m. and returns at 3 p.m. Lunch (on your own) at Nick's Seabreeze Inn followed by admission to Seabreeze and two ride tickets. The cost is $2.

"Mystery Trip," NY - Wednesday, October 3. $35 per person (residents); non-residents can register for $62 beginning September 4, space permitting.

Hearing Screening - free hearing screening for senior citizens age 55+ on Friday morning, September 7. Appointments necessary.

SHHH - a presentation on hearing loss on Thursday, August 30 at 12:30 p.m. Speakers from the Self Help for Hard of Hearing People organization (SHHH) will talk about the signs of hearing loss, hearing aids, and special listening devices.

Bunko - Thursday, August 23 at 1 p.m. Bunko is a fun and easy dice game that allows seniors an opportunity to have fun and socialize. No charge to play.