Gillam Grant Karate promotes students

Gillam Grant Karate students recently promoted include: (front) Jeremy Walker, Tom Story, Valerie Kuykendall, and Frank Jergler; (back) Mark Licata, Dave Zimmer, Lenny Richiuso, Kevin Bruton and Clayton Dence. Missing from photo - Jim Smith.

Gillam Grant Karate promotes students

Gillam Grant (Collamer-Jones) Karate recently completed Isshin Ryu Black Belt promotions under Head Instructor Shihan Cyndy Jones, a seventh degree black belt. Sensei Clayton Dence and Jim Smith were promoted to San-Dan, third degree black belt. San-Dan requires years of dedicated teaching, training and study beyond the first two black belt levels.

Sensei Frank Jergler, Valerie Kuykendall, Tom Story and Jeremy Walker earned Ni-Dan promotions, second degree black belts. They demonstrated the advanced Isshin Ryu kata and show continued leadership in the school.

First degree black belts were awarded to Kevin Bruton, Mark Licata, Lenny Richiuso and David Zimmer. Physical endurance, sparring, self-defense, kata and Okinawan weapons proficiency were part of their tests.

All black belts promoted will receive Isshin Ryu World Karate Certificates from Okinawan Karate Master Kichiro Shimabuku. Master Kichiro Shimabuku, a tenth degree black belt, is the son of Isshin Ryu's founder, the late Tatsuo Shimabuku.

For information on summer/fall classes at the Gillam Grant, call Shihan Cyndy Jones at 548-2801 or Gillam Grant at 494-1621.