Learn about scenic byways
Learn about scenic byways

What is a "scenic byway?" The New York State Scenic Byways Conference will be held at the Rochester Marriott Thruway Hotel August 15-16 to address issues of development for proposed state byways as well as designated National Byways.

Scenic byways are routes designated by both states and the federal government and recognized for their scenic, historic, cultural, and recreational resources. Scenic byway organizations have received federal funding since 1991 for the development and marketing with the goal of balancing economic development with resource management. There are currently 81 All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways recognized as America's Byways.

Private sector representatives from New York state's existing byways and proposed byways, interested citizens, government agencies and tourism promotion agencies will meet to discuss the importance of byways as tourist attractions as well as their role in economic development.

Representatives of existing byways, including the Seaway Trail, the Adirondack North Country Association, the Mohawk Valley Heritage Program, and Cayuga County's Route 90, will share best practices. Topics will include byways technology, corporate sponsorship, resources and technical assistance.

Walk-in registration is $80. Call 800-SEAWAY-T (800-732-9298) for information.

The conference is sponsored by Seaway Trail Inc./Seaway Trail Foundation, NYS Scenic Byways Advisory Board, the Greater Rochester Visitors Association, and Wilcox Press of Ithaca.