Marriage Encounter Weekend set for October
Marriage Encounter Weekend set for October

United Marriage Encounter is accepting registrations for the October 19, 20, 21 weekend which will be held at the Days Hotel on Chili Avenue in Rochester at the 390 Exit. This is the 26th year of the marriage ministry which seeks to make good marriages better through better communication.

United Marriage Encounter (UME) was founded in Rochester, New York in 1975 by Len and Colleen Pagnard and Rev. D.L. and Marilyn Baize. UME is a Christian ministry seeking to help couples around the world renew their marriages and build Christ-centered homes. Marriage Encounter offers weekends and related activities that help married couples and their families.

Marriage Encounter Weekends combine Christian values, psychology and practical methods to improve communication between husband and wife.

The weekend begins on Friday at 7:30 p.m. and is completed at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday evening.

The registration fee for the weekend is $40. At the close of the weekend each couple is asked to make a voluntary donation in a sealed envelope. Registration and additional information are available from Registration Couple, Doug and Becky Hess at 723-0678.