Old Timers' Day, September 9
Old Timers' Day, September 9

Old Timers' Day, an annual Cobblestone Society event, will be celebrated this year on Sunday, September 9 from 1 to 5 p.m., on the museum grounds at Childs, rain or shine. The museum is located at the intersection of Routes 98 and 104 (Ridge Road), 2.5 miles north of Albion.

Artisans from Lockport, Waterport, Batavia, Hamlin, Medina, Brockport and Albion will demonstrate such old-time skills as: quilting, chair caning and rushing, maple sugaring, spinning, weaving, basket weaving, tatting, rabbit care. The blacksmith shop and the print shop will also be open and operating.

The afternoon program has been planned to provide a truly worthwhile family experience at minimal costs -- adults $4 and children $1.

Museum tours will be available at hours to be announced, while C.W. Lattin will be at the Cobblestone School at 3 p.m. for storytelling.

Homemade fruit and nut pies and hot and cold beverages will be available. Homemade Harvest Soup and herbal delicacies will also be offered.