Local youth inspired by democracy in action
Local youth inspired by democracy in action

John Ayers steps up in American Legion's Boys' Nation

John Ayers, son of Steven and Pat Ayers, Hilton, participated in the American Legion's Boys' Nation program in Washington, DC. John was one of two delegates from each of the participating 48 states invited to attend the Boys' Nation program.

The Boys' Nation Senators attended lectures, visited federal agencies, divided into political parties, held conventions, nominated candidates, debated issues, and worked on passing legislative bills just like senators in Congress. While in our nation's capital John toured the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. He met with President Bush, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, and Admiral Mike Ratliff, former Chief of Naval Intelligence and learned about how the Supreme Court works from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Bill Suter.

Some of the legislative bills the young senators debated and worked on passing were the American Flag Protection Act, Establishment of Private Accounts for Social Security Funds, and the Year Round Schooling Act. His father, Steven, said he thought that this was a wonderful opportunity to learn about the government, military service, and politics. John said he learned a great deal from the experience. "It's harder than it looks to prepare a legislative bill and sometimes we need to make compromises," he said. After attending Boys' Nation he developed a stronger confidence seeing the youth of today get involved in community and government with a "I'm going to step up now" attitude. He has developed a better understanding of the difficult tasks of politicians of today, how their efforts have provided greater opportunities for many Americans, and has great hope for the future of our nation.

A student at Hilton High School, John is interested in law and government, and hopes to attend the Air Force Academy.