Featured quilter at North Chili show
Featured quilter at North Chili show

Evelyn Pengelly, Churchville, will be Featured Quilter of the North Chili Quilt Show September 14 and 15. She will teach three classes and a baker's dozen of her exquisite quilts of several types will be on display.

Pengelly began quilting in 1960 while raising a family and farming. She has created fine examples of every quilt genre from traditional patchwork to 3-D effects. A long-time member of Genesee Valley Quilt Club, she has traveled widely to take classes with "leading edge" teachers at regional and national quilt conferences.

Her specialty is appliqué for which she has developed some special techniques. She collects antique quilts and is an authority on fabric dating. After teaching many classes locally, she still enjoys introducing new sewers to the old and new joys of making quilts stitched with hands and heart.