Sweden looks at possible water district projects
Sweden looks at possible water district projects

The Town of Sweden has hired Lakeside Engineering to prepare a map and plan for the Gallup Road expansion to the Sweden consolidated water district. Residents petitioned the town to bring water to Gallup Road north of the canal, to Skidmore Drive and to part of Gordon Road.

The board has also scheduled a second public hearing on an extension to the water line on Lake Road south. Some technical language changes had to be made in the public notice for the project following the first public hearing in August. Three Lake Road residents are financing the extension of the water line to their properties.

Some residents of Redman Road asked the board to be allowed to tap into the transmission line being installed on White Road through Sweden to the Town of Clarendon during the installation process. The board agreed to the concept, although they said some changes would have to be made to the water district regulations to make the procedure uniform for future requests.

In other business from the September 11 town board meeting: The board appointed Lynette Lemcke as chief court clerk to replace retiring chief clerk Lucy Nesbitt. Lemcke has been clerk to the town justice for 14 years. Replacing Lemcke will be Karen Sweeting who has served as a clerk in the court offices.

The board authorized fall clean-up days, which will be brush only, for October 15-19.