Adult twirlers take first place
Adult twirlers take first place

The 10th Annual New York State Twirlers Hall of Fame competition was held in Utica on Saturday, August 18. The contest also featured a Masters Division for "retired" twirlers age 21 and over. Hilton-Parma Recreation's adult twirling class "Mayne's Mature Majorettes" was awarded the first place trophy. The winning routine was choreographed to the song "Disco Inferno" from the hit movie "Saturday Night Fever."

Baton instructor Pat Mayne, herself a member of the Twirlers Hall of Fame, and the other adult twirlers were thrilled with the honor. Students of the Hilton-Parma Recreation adult baton twirling class have a chance to use twirling skills acquired in high school (or earlier), while learning new things, having fun, and getting some exercise.

For those interested in dusting off those skills, a baton class for Mothers and Others is offered on Wednesday evening at the Village Community Center. The cost of this 10-week course is $34 per participant. Registration can be done at the Recreation Office, 59 Henry Street, and questions can be answered by calling 392-9030.