American Legion sponsors oratory contest
American Legion sponsors oratory contest

The American Legion is committed to America's youth and in mid-November will hold its annual oratorical contest based on some part of the Constitution of the United States emphasizing what it means to be a citizen. While preparing for this contest, students will come to better understand American heritage and the natural rights of liberty which they have inherited.

The purpose of the contest is to help high school students develop a deeper knowledge of the Constitution of the United States. The contest also helps in developing leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently and to emphasize the privileges of being an American citizen.

Prizes on the local level range from $100 to $250; on the state level from $2,500 to $6,000; and on the national level from $14,000 to $18,000. The first place national winner will have the accumulated winnings of $30,000.

Contestants must be a high school student and citizen of the United States. For more details, call Don Walters, chairman, at 889-5221.