Adult sports offered by Hilton-Parma Recreation
Adult sports offered by Hilton-Parma Recreation

Men's Over Thirty Basketball is a Hilton-Parma Recreation offering organized at a pace that fits the needs of all participants. This program meets from 8:30-10 p.m. on Tuesday nights at the Hilton Schools. Pre-registration is a must at a cost of $30. The program runs until December 18.

Co-ed Volleyball is a drop-in program available on Tuesday evenings at the Village Community Center from 7:30 to 10 p.m. This activity is open to anyone 18 years old and above. Individual must be out of high school to attend. No registration is required and the cost is $1 per visit.

Both activities are currently underway and new comers are welcome. For information or questions contact Hilton-Parma Recreation at 392-9030.