New members join Chili Fire Department
New members join Chili Fire Department

Chili Fire Department Chief Scott Miller asks the community to join the department "in welcoming their neighbors who have recently joined the ranks of the greatest volunteer fire department in the world." New members are: Timothy Barry of Powers Lane - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; Barbara Bridenbaugh of Paul Road - E.M.T. - Rescue Squad; James Ellis of Madera Drive - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; David Goede of Cutter Drive - E.M.T. - Rescue Squad; Donald Janish of Cutter Drive - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; Karl Markle of Privet Way, Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; Robert Mattil of Meadowfarm South - Firefighter Co. #2, 3310 Union Street; Brenda McDonald of Buffalo Road - E.M.T. - Rescue Squad; Levi Taylor of Stover Road - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; Patrick Terrana of Gary Drive - Firefighter Co. #3, 2856 Chili Avenue; Vincent Terrana of Gary Drive - Firefighter Co. #3, 2856 Chili Avenue; Laurie White of Coldwater Road - E.M.T. - Rescue Squad; Thomas Whiteside of Audino Lane - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue; Theresa Williams of Union Street - Firefighter Co. #1, 3231 Chili Avenue.

The chief also reminds residents who have an interest in meeting the challenges that the Chili Fire Department has to offer to call for information. "We currently have openings for Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians, or if you are between the ages of 14-18 we have excellent Fire and EMS Explorer programs," he said.

Call 889-2873 or visit the website at