Sweden seniors have a new way to exercise
Sweden seniors have
a new way to exercise

Move over tap dancing, line dancing and Tai Chi, Sweden seniors have a new way to exercise.

Through a $7,500 grant from the John F. Wegman Fund of the Rochester Area Community Foundation, two treadmills have been purchased and installed at the Sweden Senior Center. The grant will also fund the purchase of a stationary bicycle, if the center can obtain matching funds for a second bicycle. Sweden seniors have already said they will raise the funds to match the cost of the stationary bicycle.

Senior Center Director Nancy Duff was able to secure the grant after taking a SUNY Brockport grant writing course with Colleen Donaldson. "The town invested $400 for me to take the grant writing class," Duff said, "and has been rewarded with a $7,500 grant." The grant marks the first time the center has received grant money for small equipment, she said.

Scott Compton of Life Fitness will give seniors instructions on how to use the treadmills on Friday, November 9 at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday, November 4, also at 10:30 a.m. Seniors will need a permission slip from their doctors to use the treadmill, Duff said.

"They’re open to anyone age 50 and over," Duff said, "as are all our classes and programs. We’re going to post an availability chart so everyone will know when the equipment is free."

Senior Grace Robinson was eager to try out the treadmills. She’s an avid walker and runner – she’s been participating in 5K races since 1996. "There’s not too many people my age that run, but most people can walk. It’s good for you."

One of the goals in the Sweden Senior Center’s mission statement is to keep local senior citizens healthy and well, Duff said. "Exercising is a big part of that effort."