National Trust's Main Street awards open for nominations
National Trust's Main Street awards open for nominations

The National Trust for Historic Preservation's Main Street Center is now accepting applications for the 2002 Main Street Awards, which celebrate the nation's best revitalized downtown's and main street leaders. The Great American Main Street Awards recognize five communities each year for overall achievement in commercial district revitalization. The National Main Street Leadership Awards, new this year, identify three key leaders in commercial district revitalization in the categories of civic leadership, business leadership, and Main Street hero.

Since 1980, the National Main Street Center has helped more than 1,633 communities rebuild their economies. Through these efforts, 52,000 net new businesses have opened, 206,000 net new jobs have been created, $15.2 billion have been reinvested in Main Street commercial districts, and participating communities have generated an average of $39.22 for every dollar spent on the revitalization program.

Those wishing to apply should go to to download an application, or contact the National Main Street Center by calling 202-588-6140.