Munn School principal resigns
Munn School principal resigns

Takes new post in Canandaigua

Spencerport's Munn Elementary School Principal Mark Lavner has resigned to take a position as the principal at Canandaigua Elementary School. Lavner's last day at Munn is November 16. He has been principal at Munn since August 1996.

Spencerport Superintendent Phill Langton says Lavner will be missed. "He has been an excellent leader, and loved by many. Munn is in excellent condition, thanks to Mark, and we are grateful for his dedicated service." Lavner, who lives in Canandaigua, says he based his decision solely on personal reasons, to spend more time with his family. Still, he says it will be hard to leave the Spencerport district. "I am sad to be leaving the many friends I have made in Spencerport over the last five years," says Lavner, who says he appreciates the support of his colleagues, teaching staff, district administration and board of education members. "Without this organization we would be unable to provide the quality education expected in Spencerport," he says.

The Spencerport school board, at the recommendation of Superintendent Phillip W. Langton, has appointed retired principal Donna Hofsess as interim principal at Munn. Hofsess, who had a long and distinguished career as an elementary principal in Greece, also served as interim principal at Bernabi Elementary a few years ago.

The district expects the new principal will be in place no later than July 1, 2002. The search will begin early in 2002. With input from students, staff and parents, the district administration will develop a profile of the ideal candidate. The district will then advertise, recruit and screen applicants in February and March. The interview process and final selection is expected to be made in April.