Clarendon budget reflects an eight percent spending increase
Clarendon budget reflects
an eight percent spending increase

Town Supervisor Richard Moy said he is not happy about Clarendon's newly adopted budget for 2002.

The overall budget picture represents an 8.05 percent increase over the 2001 budget . Taxpayers in the town will see a tax rate of $5.28 per thousand of assessed valuation, according to budget figures.

"The budget is way too much money for the taxpayers but there was no way around it," he said. "Health care increases are extreme and there was a lot of money that had to be spent on equipment that was just unavoidable."

The total budget appropriations for the town for 2002 are $889,689, with estimated revenues at $331,900. There is a $15,000 unexpended fund balance. The amount to be raised by taxes totals $552,789.

The annual salaries for the elected officials for 2002 are: supervisor $7,130; councilpersons $2,459; town justices $7,128; town clerk/tax collector $26,655 and highway superintendent $42,765. The figures, according to Town Clerk Susan Colby, reflect a two percent salary increase over the 2001 salaries.

The budget was passed unanimously at the November 13 town board meeting.

In other business the board:

•Discussed the request from the Hillside Cemetery Association to take responsibility of the cemetery's liability insurance coverage. The motion was tabled pending further investigation of the town's involvement in the cemetery's upkeep and maintenance.

Set the next regular meeting date for December 18 at 7 p.m.